
In this article:

ImCMS has several cache groups: public (for published versions) and other (for working versions).

Public Cache

The response to a request for the published version of the Text Document has an ETag (identifier for a specific version of a resource) header to help the browser cache this.

Public Document Cache

The Public Document Cache stores page representations of public Text documents. The system fully caches the response to the request for the public version of the Text Document. That is, when any user visits the published page for the first time, the system builds, returns the page and saves the page in the cache, and on the second visit to the page, the system will do much less work, just return the cache. Thus, we unload the system.

But what if the template has dynamic content that cannot be fully cached?

Solution 1. Fill dynamic data using JS instead of template engine, jsp or similar.

Solution 2. Disable Public Document Cache for the whole system. You can do it in the project properties.

#Control disabled cache has only boolean values false/true. True - disable add data to cache

Solution 3. Disable Public Document Cache for the a specific document. You can do it in Page Info -> Сache tab.


Cache for unauthorized users checkbox - enable/disable document caching for an unauthorized user.

Cache for authorized users checkbox - enable/disable document caching for an authorized user (admins always see the original).

Public Content Cache

The system keeps a cache of the results of finding the content of the public version, currently only images.

Static Cache

The system caches such files: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .ico, .wof, .pdf, .ttf, .svg.

Other Cache

The system keeps a cache of the results of finding the content of the working version, currently only images.

The system caches such files: .jsp, .js, .css.

Clearing Cache

In order to clear the Public Document Cache for a single document, use Page Info -> Cache tab -> Clear Cache button.

In order to clear a cache group for the entire system, use the Admin Page -> Index And Cache tab.


See also

You can manage Public Document Cache using DocumentsCache class. Check out the API here.

See also

You can manage all types of cache using DefaultTemporalDataService class. Check out the API here.

How you can get EhCacheCacheManager:

Imcms.getServices().getManagedBean("ehCacheCacheManager", EhCacheCacheManager.class);