Text Tag

In this article:


Each web-page contains piece of text. It can be description of image of information about page. Usually it can be altered, edited and even deleted. Since text can be stored in database ImCMS provide easy access to it via text tag.

Use in template

For configure text tag in template just look at the code below.

<imcms:text no="1" pre="<div>" post="</div>"/>

Available list of tag attributes:

Attribute Type Description
no Integer Identifier for current text
document Integer Identify the linked document (default - current document)
version Integer Identify version of text
placeholder String The text that was showed if native content are empty
pre String Text or html tag that would be added before text tag
post String Text or html tag that would be added after text tag
mode String Possible values: read - means that text won’t be editable write - editable text, just as without mode attribute
formats String If set, format switch won’t be able. Possible values: text - formatting panel will have only simple text editor options, content won’t be represented as HTML html - formatting panel will have HTML editor options, content will be represented as HTML cleanhtml - formatting panel will have HTML editor options, content will be represented as HTML and all tags will be checked according to tags whitelist - system property text.editor.html.tags.whitelist, where tags are separated by semicolon. Not allowed tags will be removed from content.
label String Text label that is connected to current text tag
showlabel String Set true if you want to see text label near text tag content in admin edit mode
showEditToSuperAdmin String Set true if you want to that be text field will be show only for super admin


<%@taglib prefix="imcms" uri="imcms" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <imcms:text no="1" document="1001" pre="<div>" post="</div>" placeholder="<i>this text is empty</i>"
                label="Test text tag" showlabel="true" formats="html", showEditToSuperAdmin="true"/>